Smart Access

Smart Access is a Solution created by Net Brains, which offers a comprehensive methodology that incorporates the essential elements for the implementation of a Project, Process and Knowledge management strategy with the aim of making better decisions in collaborative environments. Smart Access is a neutral solution for the protection of projects from different areas of geosciences and results management and knowledge generated in these studies, maintaining its integrity regardless of the platform used.

The objective of Smart Access is to integrate in a consistent manner the critical parameters of each Site based on the Geosciences and Engineering studies, for the creation of an own knowledge base. With this platform, the risk assessment of the Portfolio of opportunities, projects and performance of the deposits, can be carried out in an objective way.


Smart Access operation

Smart Access integrates all the information coming from the different areas that are part of the value chain, as well as dynamics information from Wells and other threads.

Smart Access takes information from any interpretation platform or technical system related to the different areas of Exploration / Production / Development and Catalog, standardizes the information contained within the projects, the results are analyzed and stored in the system knowledge module .

Integration of solutions for the oil industry and protection of geo-scientific projects

The Smart Access system provides statistics that support decision making. It integrates a data room for the administration of the information of your projects, in a classified way.

The technical information can be displayed without any inconvenience.

Smart Access takes the data of projects associated with technical applications of any area, such as Exploration or Production and forms a time capsule, which may or may not have a life time, thus managing to preserve both hard data, as well as the knowledge generated in the protected studies.

Comprehensive Solution for Project management, Process Integration and structured knowledge capture, regardless of the technical platform where it is generated.


Knowledge Management

The studies generated in the projects of the areas Exploration, Production and Development of fields generate knowledge.

Smart Access through its Knowledge Base Module, makes a series of comparisons of user information, with information from around 1500 analog fields distributed worldwide.

The knowledge stored in Smart Access is parameterized and managed in standard formats, as around 80 companies worldwide do. With this, the system is capable of performing histogram and crossplots analysis procedures, which allow us to understand and solve problems in order to make decisions.



Net Brains offers a wide range of cloud-based services, such as storage, back up and recovery, networks, content management, processing, remote collaboration, multimedia channels, virtualization, security, among others.

Smart Access in the Cloud, developed by Net Brains, offers Infrastructure as an IaaS Service (Infrastructure as a Service), Platform as a PaaS Service (Platform as a Service) and Software as a SaaS Service (Software as a Service), which simplifies administration , management and processing of your Geoscientific projects, which represents another smart option of functionality and budget for our clients.

Smart Access in the Cloud, allows your company to develop and integrate knowledge, reducing infrastructure costs, ensuring the safekeeping and security of your valuable information.